Đến với Trại hè tiếng Anh Sky 2014

<html> <head> <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8'> <title> </title> </head> <div> <meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type"> <title></title> <div style="text-align: center;"><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 255);"><strong><span style="font-size: small;"><span style="font-family: Arial;">&#272&#7871n v&#7899i Tr&#7841i h&egrave; ti&#7871ng Anh Sky 2014 </span></span></strong></span></div> <div style="text-align: justify;"><span style="font-size: small;"><span style="font-family: Arial;"><br /> Tr&#7843i qua 6 l&#7847n &#273&#432&#7907c t&#7893 ch&#7913c, tr&#7841i h&egrave; ti&#7871ng Anh Sky 2014 s&#7869 &#273&#432a c&aacute;c b&#7841n tr&#7867 &#273&#7871n g&#7847n v&#7899i thi&ecirc;n nhi&ecirc;n, kh&aacute;m ph&aacute; nh&#7919ng &#273i&#7873u m&#7899i m&#7867 v&agrave; gi&uacute;p c&aacute;c b&#7841n hi&#7875u r&otilde; b&#7843n th&acirc;n m&igrave;nh qua th&ocirc;ng &#273i&#7879p &ldquo;See all kinds of yourself &rdquo;. Tr&#7841i h&egrave; Ti&#7871ng Anh Sky do Th&agrave;nh &#272o&agrave;n TP H&#7891 Ch&iacute; Minh k&#7871t h&#7907p v&#7899i CLB Qu&#7889c T&#7871 Thanh Ni&ecirc;n (IYC) t&#7893 ch&#7913c, l&agrave; ho&#7841t &#273&#7897ng th&#432&#7901ng ni&ecirc;n d&agrave;nh cho c&aacute;c b&#7841n thanh thi&#7871u ni&ecirc;n tr&ecirc;n to&agrave;n qu&#7889c c&oacute; &#273&#7897 tu&#7893i t&#7915 14 &ndash; 25, c&oacute; kh&#7843 n&#259ng giao ti&#7871p b&#7857ng Ti&#7871ng Anh, s&#7913c kh&#7887e t&#7889t. Tr&#7841i h&egrave; Ti&#7871ng Anh Sky 2014 v&#7899i ch&#7911 &#273&#7873 &ldquo;YOUTH - YOLO&rdquo; s&#7869 di&#7877n ra 2 ch&#7863ng v&#7899i ch&#7863ng 1 t&#7841i Madagui, Vi&#7879t Nam 20/7 &ndash; 22/7/2014 (2.900.000 &#273&#7891ng/ng&#432&#7901i) v&#7899i kho&#7843ng 100 tr&#7841i sinh v&agrave; ch&#7863ng 2 t&#7841i Malaysia &ndash; Singapore 31/7 &ndash; 5/8/2014 (15.800.000 &#273&#7891ng/ng&#432&#7901i) c&ugrave;ng 50 tr&#7841i sinh.</span></span></div> <div style="text-align: justify;"><span style="font-size: small;"><span style="font-family: Arial;"><br /> Khi tham gia tr&#7841i t&#7841i Vi&#7879t Nam, c&aacute;c b&#7841n tr&#7867 s&#7869 kh&ocirc;ng ch&#7881 tham gia c&aacute;c ho&#7841t &#273&#7897ng r&egrave;n luy&#7879n k&#7929 n&#259ng giao ti&#7871p v&agrave; &#7913ng x&#7917 t&igrave;nh hu&#7889ng b&#7857ng ti&#7871ng Anh m&agrave; c&ograve;n c&oacute; c&#417 h&#7897i kh&aacute;m ph&aacute; Madagui h&ugrave;ng v&#297 v&agrave; kh&#7843 n&#259ng ti&#7873m &#7849n c&#7911a b&#7843n th&acirc;n qua c&aacute;c ho&#7841t &#273&#7897ng th&#7843o lu&#7853n nh&oacute;m tr&igrave;nh b&agrave;y &yacute; ki&#7871n c&aacute; nh&acirc;n, th&#7875 hi&#7879n kh&#7843 n&#259ng l&atilde;nh &#273&#7841o, tham gia c&aacute;c tr&ograve; ch&#417i sinh ho&#7841t t&#7853p th&#7875,&hellip;&nbsp; &#273&#7875 ph&aacute;t huy tinh th&#7847n c&#7897ng &#273&#7891ng.</span></span></div> <div style="text-align: justify;"><span style="font-size: small;"><span style="font-family: Arial;"><br /> &#272&#7871n v&#7899i tr&#7841i h&egrave; t&#7841i Malaysia &ndash; Singapore, tr&#7841i sinh s&#7869 tham quan, giao l&#432u v&agrave; t&igrave;m hi&#7875u nh&#7919ng n&eacute;t truy&#7873n th&#7889ng v&agrave; hi&#7879n &#273&#7841i c&#7911a &#273&#7845t n&#432&#7899c Malaysia &ndash; Singapore qua nh&#7919ng &#273i&#7875m d&#7915ng ch&acirc;n th&uacute; v&#7883: Legoland- Malaysia, Garden by the Bay - Singapore,&hellip; C&aacute;c b&#7841n tr&#7841i sinh s&#7869 &#273&#7863t ch&acirc;n &#273&#7871n &#273&#7845t n&#432&#7899c Singapore xinh &#273&#7865p trong kh&ocirc;ng kh&iacute; t&#432ng b&#7915ng ch&agrave;o &#273&oacute;n Qu&#7889c kh&aacute;nh Singapore - l&#7877 h&#7897i l&#7899n nh&#7845t &#273&#7843o qu&#7889c s&#432 t&#7917. Kh&ocirc;ng nh&#7919ng th&#7871 v&#7899i ch&#432&#417ng tr&igrave;nh &#7902 nh&agrave; d&acirc;n b&#7843n &#273&#7883a Singapore, c&aacute;c b&#7841n s&#7869 c&oacute; c&#417 h&#7897i hi&#7875u bi&#7871t r&otilde; h&#417n nh&#7919ng n&eacute;t &#273&#7863c tr&#432ng c&#7911a con ng&#432&#7901i Singapore trong v&#259n h&oacute;a &#7913ng x&#7917 v&agrave; m&#7903 r&#7897ng v&ograve;ng tay b&#7841n b&egrave; qu&#7889c t&#7871. Ch&#432&#417ng tr&igrave;nh tr&#7843i nghi&#7879m t&#7841i Vi&#7879n &#273&agrave;o t&#7841o l&atilde;nh &#273&#7841o c&#7897ng &#273&#7891ng qu&#7889c gia (NACLI) - n&#417i &#273&agrave;o t&#7841o nh&#7919ng l&atilde;nh &#273&#7841o h&agrave;ng &#273&#7847u Singapore c&#361ng s&#7869 l&agrave; m&#7897t k&#7927 ni&#7879m &#273&aacute;ng ghi nh&#7899 v&#7899i c&aacute;c b&#7841n tr&#7867 Vi&#7879t Nam.</span></span></div> <div style="text-align: justify;"><span style="font-size: small;"><span style="font-family: Arial;"><br /> Ch&#7881 trong v&ograve;ng 6 ng&agrave;y, nh&#432ng SKY 2014&nbsp; s&#7869 l&agrave; m&#7897t chuy&#7871n h&agrave;nh tr&igrave;nh &#273&#7847y th&uacute; v&#7883 t&#7841i ba qu&#7889c gia (Vi&#7879t Nam &ndash; Malaysia - Singapore) &#273em &#273&#7871n nh&#7919ng b&agrave;i h&#7885c qu&yacute; gi&aacute; v&agrave; &#273&#7875 l&#7841i nhi&#7873u c&#7843m x&uacute;c t&#7889t &#273&#7865p. M&ugrave;a h&egrave; n&agrave;y s&#7869 tr&#7903 n&ecirc;n b&#7893 &iacute;ch h&#417n, th&uacute; v&#7883 h&#417n, c&oacute; &yacute; ngh&#297a h&#417n v&agrave; s&#7869 tr&#7903 th&agrave;nh m&#7897t k&#7927 ni&#7879m kh&ocirc;ng th&#7875 n&agrave;o qu&ecirc;n &#273&#7889i v&#7899i c&aacute;c tr&#7841i sinh t&#7841i SKY 2014.<br /> <strong><br /> &#272&#259ng k&yacute; tr&#7921c ti&#7871p t&#7915 nay &#273&#7871n 12/7/2014 t&#7841i Ban Qu&#7889c t&#7871 Th&agrave;nh &#272o&agrave;n Tp.HCM, ph&ograve;ng C3 l&#7847u 2, s&#7889 1, Ph&#7841m Ng&#7885c Th&#7841ch. C&oacute; th&#7875 &#273&#259ng k&iacute; tr&#7921c tuy&#7871n t&#7841i website Th&agrave;nh &#272o&agrave;n &#273o&agrave;n www.thanhdoan.hochiminhcity.gov.vn ho&#7863c li&ecirc;n h&#7879 qua email: banquocte@yahoo.com, &#273i&#7879n tho&#7841i: (08) 3 8239 733 (v&#259n ph&ograve;ng &ndash; trong gi&#7901 h&agrave;nh ch&iacute;nh); 0973 003 010 (Th&agrave;nh Chinh); 0989 967 123 (H&agrave; Giang).</strong><br /> </span></span></div> <div style="text-align: justify;">&nbsp;</div> <div style="text-align: justify;"><span style="font-size: small;"><span style="font-family: Arial;"><strong>T&#7843i m&#7851u &#273&#259ng k&yacute;</strong><a href="http://www.mediafire.com/download/5wz43bzx8q9ee3e/Sky2014appform.doc"><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 255);"><strong> t&#7841i &#273&acirc;y</strong></span></a></span></span></div> <div style="text-align: right;"><span style="font-size: small;"><span style="font-family: Arial;"><br /> </span><strong><span style="font-family: Arial;">MINH TH&#7842O<br /> &nbsp;</span></strong></span></div> </meta> </div> </html>



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