Khám phá hương vị thốt nốt miền Tây

<html> <head> <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8'> <title> </title> </head> <div> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <title></title> <div style="text-align: center; "><span style="font-size: small; "><span style="font-family: Arial; "><strong><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 255); ">&nbsp;Kh&aacute;m ph&aacute; h&#432&#417ng v&#7883 th&#7889t n&#7889t mi&#7873n T&acirc;y</span></strong></span></span></div> <div><span style="font-size: small; "><span style="font-family: Arial; "><br type="_moz" /> </span></span></div> <div style="text-align: justify; "><span style="font-size: small; "><span style="font-family: Arial; "><em>Ng&#432&#7901i mi&#7873n T&acirc;y th&#432&#7901ng n&oacute;i: &quot;Ch&#7895 n&agrave;o c&oacute; c&acirc;y th&#7889t n&#7889t l&agrave; ch&#7895 &#273&oacute; c&oacute; ng&#432&#7901i Kh&#7901-me sinh s&#7889ng&rdquo;, qu&#7843 th&#7853t kh&ocirc;ng ngoa. N&#7871u du kh&aacute;ch c&oacute; d&#7883p &#273i v&#7873 c&aacute;c huy&#7879n nh&#432 Tri T&ocirc;n, T&#7883nh Bi&ecirc;n (Ch&acirc;u &#272&#7889c) thu&#7897c t&#7881nh An Giang, &#273&acirc;u &#273&acirc;u c&#361ng th&#7845y c&acirc;y th&#7889t n&#7889t.</em></span></span></div> <div style="text-align: justify; "><span style="font-size: small; "><span style="font-family: Arial; "><br type="_moz" /> </span></span></div> <div style="text-align: justify; "><span style="font-size: small; "><span style="font-family: Arial; ">C&acirc;y th&#7889t n&#7889t l&agrave; n&eacute;t &#273&#7863c tr&#432ng v&#259n h&oacute;a c&#7911a &#273&#7891ng b&agrave;o Kh&#7901-me Nam b&#7897, v&agrave; c&#361ng l&agrave; c&acirc;y &#273&#7863c s&#7843n c&#7911a v&ugrave;ng Th&#7845t S&#417n huy&#7873n b&iacute; n&#7847y.</span></span></div> <div style="text-align: justify; ">&nbsp;</div> <div style="text-align: center; "><img width="350" height="427" alt="" src="thotnot1(1).jpg" /></div> <div style="text-align: center; "><font face="Arial" size="2"><i>L&#7845y n&#432&#7899c th&#7889t n&#7889t.</i></font></div> <div style="text-align: justify; "><span style="font-size: small; "><span style="font-family: Arial; "><br type="_moz" /> </span></span></div> <div style="text-align: justify; "><span style="font-size: small; "><span style="font-family: Arial; ">C&acirc;y th&#7889t n&#7889t tr&ocirc;ng xa t&#7921a c&acirc;y d&#7915a, nh&#432ng th&acirc;n c&acirc;y to v&agrave; cao, l&aacute; x&ograve;e t&aacute;n r&#7897ng nh&#432 l&aacute; c&#7885. M&ugrave;a v&#7909 th&#7889t n&#7889t b&#7855t &#273&#7847u kho&#7843ng t&#7915 th&aacute;ng gi&ecirc;ng &#273&#7871n th&aacute;ng 4 &acirc;m l&#7883ch. Tr&aacute;i th&#7889t n&#7889t k&#7871t th&agrave;nh t&#7915ng ch&ugrave;m, tr&aacute;i to tr&ograve;n c&#7905 tr&aacute;i d&#7915a xi&ecirc;m, v&#7887 m&agrave;u t&iacute;m s&#7853m. Ru&#7897t tr&aacute;i c&oacute; nh&#7919ng ng&#259n m&uacute;i (kho&#7843ng 4 &ndash; 5 m&uacute;i), &#273&#432&#7907c ph&#7911 b&ecirc;n ngo&agrave;i m&#7897t l&#7899p v&#7887 l&#7909a m&#7887ng, b&ecirc;n trong c&oacute; c&#417m d&#7847y m&agrave;u tr&#7855ng, m&#7873m d&#7867o gi&#7889ng nh&#432 c&#417m tr&aacute;i d&#7915a n&#432&#7899c nh&#432ng th&#417m ngon h&#417n. &#272&acirc;y l&agrave; th&#7913c u&#7889ng gi&#7843i nhi&#7879t ng&agrave;y h&egrave; r&#7845t tuy&#7879t v&#7901i! Ch&#7881 c&#7847n cho c&#417m th&#7889t n&#7889t v&agrave;o ly, th&ecirc;m m&#7897t mu&#7895ng &#273&#432&#7901ng v&agrave; v&agrave;i c&#7909c n&#432&#7899c &#273&aacute; l&agrave; ta c&oacute; th&#7875 th&#432&#7903ng th&#7913c ngay h&#432&#417ng v&#7883 &#273&#7863c tr&#432ng c&#7911a lo&#7841i tr&aacute;i c&acirc;y &#273&#7897c &#273&aacute;o kh&oacute; qu&ecirc;n n&#417i mi&#7873n bi&ecirc;n &#7843i T&acirc;y nam c&#7911a t&#7893 qu&#7889c.</span></span></div> <div style="text-align: justify; "><span style="font-size: small; "><span style="font-family: Arial; "><br type="_moz" /> </span></span></div> <div style="text-align: justify; "><span style="font-size: small; "><span style="font-family: Arial; ">L&#7921a mua tr&aacute;i th&#7889t n&#7889t, du kh&aacute;ch ch&uacute; &yacute; nh&igrave;n c&aacute;i cu&#7889ng c&ograve;n t&#432&#417i (kh&ocirc;ng b&#7883 kh&ocirc;), tr&aacute;i &#273&#7873u &#273&#7863n kh&ocirc;ng b&#7883 m&oacute;p, gi&#7853p, v&agrave; d&ugrave;ng tay b&uacute;ng v&agrave;o v&#7887 tr&aacute;i &#273&#7875 bi&#7871t tr&aacute;i gi&agrave; ho&#7863c non. Tr&aacute;i gi&agrave; c&#417m c&#7913ng, c&oacute; v&#7883 l&#7841t. Tr&aacute;i v&#7915a &#259n, c&#417m m&#7873m, b&ecirc;n trong c&oacute; m&#7897t &iacute;t n&#432&#7899c h&#417i ng&#7885t, c&oacute; v&#7883 beo b&eacute;o v&agrave; m&ugrave;i th&#417m tho&#7843ng, r&#7845t ngon. Nh&#432ng &#273&#7875 ch&#7855c &#259n v&agrave; tr&aacute;nh vi&#7879c mang x&aacute;ch n&#7863ng n&#7873, n&ecirc;n mua ph&#7847n c&#417m th&#7889t n&#7889t do ng&#432&#7901i b&aacute;n t&aacute;ch s&#7861n, tuy gi&aacute; c&oacute; cao &#273&ocirc;i ch&uacute;t, nh&#432ng ph&#7843i d&egrave; ch&#7915ng k&#7867o mua h&agrave;ng c&#361, c&oacute; m&ugrave;i &ocirc;i (chua) kh&ocirc;ng &#273&#7841t ch&#7845t l&#432&#7907ng.</span></span></div> <div style="text-align: justify; ">&nbsp;</div> <div style="text-align: center; "><img width="490" height="372" alt="" src="thotnot2(1).jpg" /></div> <div style="text-align: center; "><font face="Arial" size="2"><i><span style="font-size: small; ">Qu&#7843 th&#7889t n&#7889t to b&#7857ng qu&#7843 d&#7915a xi&ecirc;m.</span></i></font></div> <div style="text-align: justify; "><span style="font-size: small; "><span style="font-family: Arial; "><br type="_moz" /> </span></span></div> <div style="text-align: justify; "><span style="font-size: small; "><span style="font-family: Arial; ">&#272&#7863c s&#7843n t&#7915 c&acirc;y th&#7889t n&#7889t r&#7845t phong ph&uacute;. Ngo&agrave;i c&#417m tr&aacute;i, c&ograve;n c&oacute; n&#432&#7899c th&#7889t n&#7889t t&#432&#417i (ho&#7863c l&ecirc;n men) gi&#7843i kh&aacute;t, &#273&#432&#7901ng th&#7889t n&#7889t, ch&egrave; &#273&#7853u xanh th&#7889t n&#7889t, v&agrave; b&aacute;nh th&#7889t n&#7889t n&#7919a...</span></span></div> <div style="text-align: justify; "><span style="font-size: small; "><span style="font-family: Arial; "><br type="_moz" /> </span></span></div> <div style="text-align: justify; "><span style="font-size: small; "><span style="font-family: Arial; ">&#272&#7875 c&oacute; &#273&#432&#7907c th&agrave;nh ph&#7849m &#273&#432&#7901ng th&#7889t n&#7889t b&aacute;n ra th&#7883 tr&#432&#7901ng, ng&#432&#7901i d&acirc;n ph&#7843i t&#7889n r&#7845t nhi&#7873u c&ocirc;ng s&#7913c. Khi tr&#7901i t&#7901 m&#7901 s&aacute;ng ph&#7843i mang th&ugrave;ng nh&#7921a leo l&ecirc;n ng&#7885n c&acirc;y th&#7889t n&#7889t, c&#7855t &#273&#7847u cu&#7889ng b&ocirc;ng v&agrave; treo th&ugrave;ng v&agrave;o &#273&oacute; &#273&#7875 h&#7913ng n&#432&#7899c r&#7881 ra t&#7915 cu&#7889ng (c&acirc;y sung s&#7913c c&oacute; th&#7875 cho 30 l&iacute;t/ng&agrave;y). Chi&#7873u &#273&#7871n leo l&ecirc;n &#273em th&ugrave;ng n&#432&#7899c th&#7889t n&#7889t xu&#7889ng &#273&#7893 v&agrave;o ch&#7843o n&#7845u ngay trong ng&agrave;y (tr&aacute;nh b&#7883 chua) cho &#273&#7871n khi n&#432&#7899c th&#7889t n&#7889t keo l&#7841i &#273&#7893 v&agrave;o khu&ocirc;n b&#7857ng &#7889ng tre &#273&#7875 ngu&#7897i. Sau &#273&oacute;, c&#7855t th&agrave;nh t&#7915ng mi&#7871ng, v&agrave; d&ugrave;ng l&aacute; th&#7889t n&#7889t kh&ocirc; g&oacute;i l&#7841i t&#7915ng c&acirc;y tr&ocirc;ng gi&#7889ng nh&#432 &#273&ograve;n b&aacute;nh t&eacute;t.</span></span></div> <div style="text-align: justify; "><span style="font-size: small; "><span style="font-family: Arial; "><br type="_moz" /> </span></span></div> <div style="text-align: justify; "><span style="font-size: small; "><span style="font-family: Arial; ">B&igrave;nh qu&acirc;n 4 l&iacute;t n&#432&#7899c th&#7889t n&#7889t cho ra 1 kg &#273&#432&#7901ng. &#272&acirc;y l&agrave; lo&#7841i &#273&#432&#7901ng mi&#7871ng tr&ograve;n, m&agrave;u v&agrave;ng nh&#7841t, c&oacute; v&#7883 ng&#7885t d&#7883u, beo b&eacute;o, th&#417m ngon, d&ugrave;ng &#273&#7875 n&#7845u ch&egrave; hay l&agrave;m b&aacute;nh r&#7845t tuy&#7879t! V&agrave;, m&oacute;n ch&egrave; &#273&#7853u xanh th&#7889t n&#7889t l&agrave; m&#7897t trong nh&#7919ng &ldquo;m&oacute;n ch&egrave; &#273&#7863c tr&#432ng&rdquo;, g&acirc;y &#7845n t&#432&#7907ng nhi&#7873u trong l&ograve;ng du kh&aacute;ch v&igrave; ngon v&agrave; l&#7841.</span></span></div> <div style="text-align: center; ">&nbsp;</div> <div style="text-align: center; "><img width="490" height="357" alt="" src="thotnot4.jpg" /></div> <div style="text-align: center; "><em><span style="font-family: Arial; "><span style="font-size: small; ">C&ugrave;i th&#7889t th&#7889t v&agrave; n&#432&#7899c &#273&aacute; th&#7889t n&#7889t.</span></span></em></div> <div style="text-align: center; "><span style="font-size: small; "><span style="font-family: Arial; "><br type="_moz" /> </span></span></div> <div style="text-align: justify; "><span style="font-size: small; "><span style="font-family: Arial; ">L&agrave;m m&oacute;n ch&egrave; &#273&#7853u xanh th&#7889t n&#7889t t&#432&#417ng &#273&#7889i &#273&#417n gi&#7843n (t&#432&#417ng t&#7921 nh&#432 ch&egrave; &#273&#7853u xanh nha &#273am). Ch&#7881 c&#7847n cho &#273&#7853u xanh &#273&atilde;i v&#7887 v&agrave;o n&#7891i n&#7845u m&#7873m, th&ecirc;m v&agrave;i t&aacute;n &#273&#432&#7901ng &#273&#432&#7901ng th&#7889t n&#7889t v&agrave;o v&#7915a kh&#7849u v&#7883. Sau c&ugrave;ng, cho c&#417m th&#7889t n&#7889t, n&#7845u m&#7873m. Nh&#7899 l&agrave;m th&ecirc;m ch&eacute;n n&#432&#7899c c&#7889t d&#7915a &#273&#7853m &#273&#7863c n&#7919a. Khi m&uacute;c ch&egrave; ra ch&eacute;n &#259n, chan n&#432&#7899c c&#7889t d&#7915a l&ecirc;n l&agrave; xong.</span></span></div> <div style="text-align: justify; "><span style="font-size: small; "><span style="font-family: Arial; "><br type="_moz" /> </span></span></div> <div style="text-align: justify; "><span style="font-size: small; "><span style="font-family: Arial; ">S&#7869 l&agrave; thi&#7871u s&oacute;t l&#7899n khi &#273&#7871n &#273&acirc;y m&agrave; kh&ocirc;ng th&#432&#7903ng th&#7913c m&oacute;n b&aacute;nh g&oacute;i th&#7889t n&#7889t, v&agrave;b&aacute;nh b&ograve; th&#7889t n&#7889t. Nguy&ecirc;n li&#7879u ch&iacute;nh &#273&#7875 l&agrave;m m&oacute;n b&aacute;nh th&#7889t n&#7889t l&agrave;: b&#7897t g&#7841o + &#273&#432&#7901ng th&#7889t n&#7889t + n&#432&#7899c c&#7889t d&#7915a + &#273&#7853u xanh &#273&atilde;i v&#7887 n&#7845u ch&iacute;n t&aacute;n nhuy&#7877n + b&#7897t v&#7887 tr&aacute;i th&#7889t n&#7889t gi&agrave; m&agrave;i nhuy&#7877n l&#432&#7907c l&#7845y n&#432&#7899c pha chung v&agrave;o b&#7897t g&#7841o cho c&oacute; m&ugrave;i th&#417m &#273&#7863c tr&#432ng.</span></span></div> <div style="text-align: justify; "><span style="font-size: small; "><span style="font-family: Arial; "><br type="_moz" /> </span></span></div> <div style="text-align: justify; "><span style="font-size: small; "><span style="font-family: Arial; ">G&#7841o ph&#7843i ch&#7885n lo&#7841i g&#7841o l&uacute;a m&ugrave;a ngon (th&#432&#7901ng l&agrave; g&#7841o c&#361) ng&acirc;m n&#432&#7899c l&#7841nh kho&#7843ng 2 ti&#7871ng, xay th&agrave;nh b&#7897t. Cho t&#7845t c&#7843 nguy&ecirc;n li&#7879u (b&#7897t g&#7841o + &#273&#432&#7901ng th&#7889t n&#7889t + &iacute;t mu&#7889i + n&#432&#7899c c&#7889t d&#7915a + b&#7897t v&#7887 tr&aacute;i th&#7889t n&#7889t), tr&#7915 (c&#417m d&#7915a + &#273&#7853u xanh) cho v&#7915a kh&#7849u v&#7883 v&agrave;o n&#7891i n&#7845u v&#7899i ng&#7885n l&#7917a liu riu v&agrave; d&ugrave;ng v&aacute; khu&#7845y &#273&#7873u cho &#273&#7871n khi h&#7895n h&#7907p b&#7897t h&#417i s&#7873n s&#7879t (ch&#432a ch&iacute;n h&#7859n), nh&#7855c xu&#7889ng. D&ugrave;ng mu&#7895ng m&uacute;c t&#7915ng c&#7909c b&#7897t (c&#7905 n&#7855m tay) &#273&#7863t l&ecirc;n l&aacute; chu&#7889i t&#432&#417i, l&#7845y tay &eacute;p nh&#7865 b&#7897t xu&#7889ng th&agrave;nh mi&#7871ng m&#7887ng tr&ograve;n, d&#7865p r&#7891i cho &#273&#7853u xanh n&#7845u ch&iacute;n, d&#7915a x&#7855t s&#7907i v&agrave;o gi&#7919a v&agrave; g&oacute;i b&aacute;nh l&#7841i th&agrave;nh h&igrave;nh ch&#7919 nh&#7853t (nh&#432 b&aacute;nh g&oacute;i) hay h&igrave;nh th&aacute;p (nh&#432 b&aacute;nh &iacute;t) t&ugrave;y &yacute;.</span></span></div> <div style="text-align: justify; "><span style="font-size: small; "><span style="font-family: Arial; "><br type="_moz" /> </span></span></div> <div style="text-align: justify; "><span style="font-size: small; "><span style="font-family: Arial; ">Khi b&aacute;nh g&oacute;i xong cho t&#7845t c&#7843 v&agrave;o x&#7917ng h&#7845p ch&#7915ng v&agrave;i ti&#7871ng l&agrave; b&aacute;nh ch&iacute;n. L&#7897t ph&#7847n l&aacute; chu&#7889i b&ecirc;n ngo&agrave;i chi&#7871c b&aacute;nh g&oacute;i th&#7889t n&#7889t, nh&igrave;n b&#7897t b&aacute;nh m&agrave;u v&agrave;ng s&aacute;p c&ugrave;ng v&#7899i &ldquo;m&ugrave;i th&#417m &#273&#7863c tr&#432ng&rdquo; c&#7911a th&#7889t n&#7889t, c&#7911a &#273&#7853u xanh khi&#7871n kh&aacute;ch nh&agrave;n du kh&oacute; l&ograve;ng c&#432&#7905ng &#273&#432&#7907c c&#417n th&egrave;m ph&#7843i th&#432&#7903ng th&#7913c ngay t&#7841i ch&#7895.</span></span></div> <div style="text-align: justify; ">&nbsp;</div> <div style="text-align: center; "><img width="490" height="349" alt="" src="thotnot5.jpg" /></div> <div style="text-align: center; "><font face="Arial" size="2"><em><span style="font-size: small; ">B&aacute;nh b&ograve; th&#7889t n&#7889t.</span></em></font></div> <div style="text-align: justify; ">&nbsp;</div> <div style="text-align: justify; "><span style="font-size: small; "><span style="font-family: Arial; ">C&ograve;n m&oacute;n b&aacute;nh b&ograve; th&#7889t n&#7889t, nguy&ecirc;n li&#7879u ch&iacute;nh c&#361ng t&#432&#417ng t&#7921 nh&#432 tr&ecirc;n (kh&ocirc;ng c&oacute; c&#417m d&#7915a x&#7855t s&#7907i + &#273&#7853u xanh n&#7845u ch&iacute;n), nh&#432ng &#273&#7863c bi&#7879t b&#7897t ph&#7843i &#7911 qua &#273&ecirc;m, v&agrave; trong h&#7895n h&#7907p b&#7897t ph&#7843i c&oacute; th&ecirc;m m&#7897t &iacute;t n&#432&#7899c c&#417m r&#432&#7907u &#273&#7875 b&#7897t d&#7853y (b&aacute;nh ch&iacute;n x&#7889p c&oacute; r&#7877 tre m&#7899i ngon). Sau &#273&oacute;, d&ugrave;ng v&aacute; &#273&#7893 b&aacute;nh v&agrave;o khu&ocirc;n (h&igrave;nh d&aacute;ng tr&ograve;n, vu&ocirc;ng t&ugrave;y th&iacute;ch) cho v&agrave;o x&#7917ng h&#7845p ch&iacute;n.. B&aacute;nh b&ograve; th&#7889t n&#7889t m&#7873m, x&#7889p, ng&#7885t, th&#417m ngon, r&#7845t quy&#7871n r&#361.</span></span></div> <div style="text-align: justify; "><span style="font-size: small; "><span style="font-family: Arial; "><br type="_moz" /> </span></span></div> <div style="text-align: justify; "><span style="font-size: small; "><span style="font-family: Arial; ">V&#7853y, c&ograve;n ch&#7847n ch&#7901 g&igrave; n&#7919a - nh&acirc;n d&#7883p h&egrave; &#273&#7871n - m&#7901i c&aacute;c b&#7841n c&ugrave;ng gia &#273&igrave;nh h&atilde;y tham gia tour du l&#7883ch Ch&acirc;u &#272&#7889c - An Giang &#273&#7875 tham quan th&#7855ng c&#7843nh v&agrave; di t&iacute;ch l&#7883ch s&#7917 &#7903 n&#417i &#273&acirc;y, c&#361ng nh&#432 kh&aacute;m ph&aacute; &#7849m th&#7921c &#273&#7863c s&#7855c v&ugrave;ng B&#7843y N&uacute;i &#273&#7847y b&iacute; &#7849n n&agrave;y.</span></span></div> <div><span style="font-size: small; "><span style="font-family: Arial; "><br type="_moz" /> </span></span></div> <div style="text-align: right; "><span style="font-size: small; "><span style="font-family: Arial; "><strong>B&agrave;i v&agrave; &#7843nh: H&#7918U T&#431&#7902NG</strong></span></span></div> <div style="text-align: right; "><span style="font-size: small; "><span style="font-family: Arial; "><em>(Ngu&#7891n: Vnexpress)</em></span></span></div> <div>&nbsp;</div> </meta> </div> </html>



Ngày 15/5/2024, Thành ủy TP. Hồ Chí Minh đã tổ chức Hội nghị Sơ kết 03 năm thực hiện Kết luận 01-KL/TW của Bộ Chính trị và biểu dương các tập thể, cá nhân có thành tích xuất sắc trong học tập và làm theo tư tưởng, đạo đức, phong cách Hồ Chí Minh giai đoạn 2021 - 2024 tại Hội trường Thành phố.


Ngày 15/5/2024, Thành ủy TP. Hồ Chí Minh đã tổ chức Hội nghị Sơ kết 03 năm thực hiện Kết luận 01-KL/TW của Bộ Chính trị và biểu dương các tập thể, cá nhân có thành tích xuất sắc trong học tập và làm theo tư tưởng, đạo đức, phong cách Hồ Chí Minh giai đoạn 2021 - 2024 tại Hội trường Thành phố.

Agile Việt Nam